Sunday, February 24, 2013

Business And The Ethics

Which is more important?

The closure of Uninor network in Mumbai reminds me of the peculiar kind of questions asked in an entrance exam conducted by Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI). If one is aware of the exam, by now, it would be understood that I am speaking about Decision making. What is basically tested in this section is the ethics. What would one do when there is a choice between business profits and ethics? We all, or at least few of us, think that profit is more important for business. What the institute teaches us right at the entrance level is to value ethics over profits. No wonder, some argue that this is not the case in real life. 

  The Uninor Telecom service has exemplified us the lesson that is taught by the institute. When Supreme Court ordered to close all the operation that did not win spectrum Uninor had to close down its service. While closing its service, what it assured is the transparency to its existing customers. The service has promised the port out facility to the existing customers in Mumbai. Not limiting to that, the service also promised to sign a roaming agreements with other existing operators which ensures the other circle (other than Mumbai) customers get seamless connectivity when they travel to Mumbai. When it came to the employees, it ensured that it would provide assistance to find new employment.  It also indicated that few employees of Mumbai region will be employed in other regions. The latest development tells us that Uninor has started refunding the balance to the prepaid customers.
            Uninor might have lost 18 Lakh customers in Mumbai, but has certainly gained a faith of its transparency. The example of Uninor has a tacit lesson for all of us.